Hi, my name’s Chris Kingsnorth; I’m a game designer from the UK and the organiser of Protospiel  Nottingham,  a playtesting event for tabletop game designers raising money for Nottingham Children’s Hospital.  This year’s event has been postponed, so I’ve decided to focus on another not-for-profit gaming project of mine; the 10 Minute Design Challenge (10MDC).

After running rudimentary versions of this challenge on Twitter,  Facebook and at Concord Gaming Convention, I was inspired by the enthusiasm of those involved to develop this website so that anybody could take part.

Grab a pen and paper (or just open up a note on your phone), randomly generate your design constraints and see what you can come up with in 10 minutes!

If you’re a seasoned designer, the 10 Minute Design Challenge provides a quick and simple way push yourself beyond your design comfort zone; perhaps you’ll generate a theme or mechanism that you wouldn’t usually choose. If you’re new to game design, the 10MDC removes the obstacle of coming up with an initial idea and lets you get straight into practicing the design process.

The whole idea of the 10MDC is to show that however experienced you are, game design is accessible and exciting. You’re not going to be able to make a fully formed game in 10 minutes; it will need thorough development and playtesting, but it might spark an idea that you’re excited to work on.

The generator database is growing by the day; if you have any ideas for variables you’d like to see added, feel free to get in touch.  

I hope you enjoy taking part in the 10MDC; as well as this website, you’ll also find 10MDC on various social media platforms.

Thanks for stopping by, and happy designing!

Chris Kingsnorth, 10MDC Founder


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